Your Comeback Plan

November 17, 2023
August 11, 2020
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Things have changed. They have changed for you and they have changed for your clients.

And that raises some important questions.

  • Exactly how have your clients’ needs, challenges and expectations changed? (They have.)
  • How should those changes impact your client experience? (They will.)
  • What is the risk of doing nothing? (It's real.)

The problem is this. If you don’t have a process in place to understand those changes (and the implications for your business) you’re flying blind or relying on assumption. Neither is good for your clients or your business.

Your client experience comeback plan should assess how client needs, expectations and challenges are evolving and what that means in terms of:

  • How often you meet with clients
  • How you meet with clients
  • Who is involved in client meetings
  • If, or how, you connect via social media
  • The tools you provide
  • The kinds of communications you share
  • The scope of your offer

Remember that your clients have been learning about how the client experience can evolve as they interact with other organizations. As a result, they have not only seen what is possible, but have developed new expectations. We need to keep pace.

To help you examine the client experience you’ll need to deliver, we’ve created a brief Client Experience Assessment and Comeback Plan. It will allow you to take stock of where you are and how you need to evolve.

Once you've completed the assessment, we’ll follow up with a ‘Readiness Score’ along with additional insights on how client experience is evolving and how you can take action based on your results.

As you consider these questions in the assessment we’ve created, keep an important point in mind:

It’s not the job of your clients to tell you what your client experience should be. It’s your job to understand where they are challenged and what they need, expect and value and to build an experience that supports them.

Asking yourself the right questions is a good starting point when you are thinking about evolving your client experience. However, only your clients can tell you exactly what they need, want and expect. For that reason, we believe that a robust process to gather input from your clients and the support to translate that into an elevated client experience is critical.

We can help.

Our Client Insights program allows you to easily and efficiently gather input from your clients to ensure that your client experience reflects what they want, need and expect going forward. And we help you translate that into a meaningful comeback plan.

To book a demo to discuss your needs and learn how we can help, please: Use our scheduling tool to find a convenient time to meet, or Contact to set a time.

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Your Comeback Plan

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Your Comeback Plan

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Things have changed. They have changed for you and they have changed for your clients.

And that raises some important questions.

  • Exactly how have your clients’ needs, challenges and expectations changed? (They have.)
  • How should those changes impact your client experience? (They will.)
  • What is the risk of doing nothing? (It's real.)

The problem is this. If you don’t have a process in place to understand those changes (and the implications for your business) you’re flying blind or relying on assumption. Neither is good for your clients or your business.

Your client experience comeback plan should assess how client needs, expectations and challenges are evolving and what that means in terms of:

  • How often you meet with clients
  • How you meet with clients
  • Who is involved in client meetings
  • If, or how, you connect via social media
  • The tools you provide
  • The kinds of communications you share
  • The scope of your offer

Remember that your clients have been learning about how the client experience can evolve as they interact with other organizations. As a result, they have not only seen what is possible, but have developed new expectations. We need to keep pace.

To help you examine the client experience you’ll need to deliver, we’ve created a brief Client Experience Assessment and Comeback Plan. It will allow you to take stock of where you are and how you need to evolve.

Once you've completed the assessment, we’ll follow up with a ‘Readiness Score’ along with additional insights on how client experience is evolving and how you can take action based on your results.

As you consider these questions in the assessment we’ve created, keep an important point in mind:

It’s not the job of your clients to tell you what your client experience should be. It’s your job to understand where they are challenged and what they need, expect and value and to build an experience that supports them.

Asking yourself the right questions is a good starting point when you are thinking about evolving your client experience. However, only your clients can tell you exactly what they need, want and expect. For that reason, we believe that a robust process to gather input from your clients and the support to translate that into an elevated client experience is critical.

We can help.

Our Client Insights program allows you to easily and efficiently gather input from your clients to ensure that your client experience reflects what they want, need and expect going forward. And we help you translate that into a meaningful comeback plan.

To book a demo to discuss your needs and learn how we can help, please: Use our scheduling tool to find a convenient time to meet, or Contact to set a time.

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